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Using Mongorunway¤

Introduction to usage¤

So, we have configured our minimal configuration file, and now it looks as follows:

    scripts_dir: project/mongorunway

        host: localhost
        port: 27017
      app_database: TestDatabase
        collection: migrations

Mongorunway provides the following list of commands:

Usage: mongorunway [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  auditlog           Display the audit log entries for the specified...
  check-files        Check the integrity of files in the specified...
  create-template    Create a migration template for the specified...
  downgrade          Downgrade the specified application.
  init               Initialize the specified application for migration.
  refresh            Refreshes the specified application.
  refresh-checksums  Refresh the checksums of files in the specified...
  safe-remove        Safely removes a migration from the specified...
  safe-remove-all    Safely removes all migrations from the specified...
  status             Display the migration status for the specified...
  upgrade            Upgrade the specified application.
  version            Display the version information for the specified...
  walk               Walk through the specified application.

Next, let's proceed with a step-by-step breakdown of the functionality.

#1 Creating migration files¤

The next thing we need to do is create migration files. To do this, we can use the command create-template or create the file manually. Let's explore the first option:

mongorunway create-template test --name create_abc_collection --version 1

Where the -n,--name option is required and represents the name of the migration file, and the -v,--version option is optional and represents the migration version.


The --version option must be sequential. For example, if the version of the last migration is 2, then the version passed to this option should only be 3; otherwise, an error will be raised.

A migration file was created in the migrations directory with a transformed name (, by default set to NumericalFilenameStrategy):

Show migration file source
from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import mongorunway

# Required, used by Mongorunway.
version = 1

def upgrade() -> typing.List[mongorunway.MigrationCommand]:
    return []

def downgrade() -> typing.List[mongorunway.MigrationCommand]:
    return []

#2 Modifying the migration file¤

Let's make sure that the content of the migration file matches its name by adding commands.


To add a description to the migration, include documentation in the migration module.

Show refactored migration file source
from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import mongorunway

# Required, used by Mongorunway.
version = 1

def upgrade() -> typing.List[mongorunway.MigrationCommand]:
    return [

def downgrade() -> typing.List[mongorunway.MigrationCommand]:
    return [

Command Aliases¤

Here it is worth noting that create_collection and drop_collection are aliases that have been injected into the global scope of the mongorunway.infrastructure.commands module using the make_snake_case_global_alias decorator. For a more explicit implementation, you can use the direct implementation of commands as classes CreateCollection and DropCollection.

#3 Updating the current state¤

To update the current state of migrations (synchronize recently created migration files with the repository), you can use the refresh command:

mongorunway refresh test
Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to refresh.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the refresh command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway refresh test
2023-06-11 01:17:53 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
2023-06-11 01:17:53 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - sync_scripts_with_repository: migration '001_create_abc_collection' with version 1 was synced and successfully append to pending.

'001_create_abc_collection' migrations was successfully synced.

#4 Managing migration processes¤

There are currently three commands available to manage migration processes: downgrade, upgrade, and walk.

> downgrade¤

This command allows you to downgrade the specified application using the given expression or additional arguments. Optionally, you can enable verbose output or verbose output for exceptions during the downgrade process.

Supported expressions: -?\d+ | - | all


To prevent click from interpreting negative numbers as options, you need to precede the number with --. See the example output below (Expand example output).

Expand Example
mongorunway downgrade test -1
mongorunway downgrade test 1
mongorunway downgrade test all
mongorunway downgrade test -
Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to downgrade.
EXPRESSION, optional An optional expression or additional argument for the downgrade command.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the downgrade command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway downgrade test -- -1
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway MongoDB context successfully initialized with MongoDB session id (ca795db9ff034582b05847faf480aae9)
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: downgrading waiting migration (#1 -> #None)...
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway transaction context successfully initialized with Mongorunway session id (0710ebfd1c414d34bbe6f62730a9c36d)
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - Beginning a transaction in MongoDB session (ca795db9ff034582b05847faf480aae9) for (downgrade) process.
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - DropCollection command successfully applied (1 of 1).
2023-06-10 23:35:56 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: successfully downgraded to (#None).

Verbose mode enabled.
Successfully downgraded 1 migration(s).
Downgraded 1 migration(s) in 0.0055162906646728516s.

> upgrade¤

This command allows you to upgrade the specified application using the given expression or additional arguments. Optionally, you can enable verbose output or verbose output for exceptions during the upgrade process.

Supported expressions: +?\d+ | + | all

Expand Example
mongorunway upgrade test +1
mongorunway upgrade test 1
mongorunway upgrade test all
mongorunway upgrade test +
Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to upgrade.
EXPRESSION, optional An optional expression or additional argument for the upgrade command.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the upgrade command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway upgrade test +1    
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway MongoDB context successfully initialized with MongoDB session id (ef6ece8e7c97436cbf691f1d91fc33bc)
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: upgrading waiting migration (#None -> #1)...
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway transaction context successfully initialized with Mongorunway session id (0659cda9dc464ffd9b8169b090e38195)
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - Beginning a transaction in MongoDB session (ef6ece8e7c97436cbf691f1d91fc33bc) for (upgrade) process.
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - CreateCollection command successfully applied (1 of 1).
2023-06-10 23:36:16 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: Successfully upgraded to (#1).

Verbose mode enabled.
10003 Successfully upgraded 1 migration(s).
Upgraded 1 migration(s) in 0.012265443801879883s.

> walk¤

This command allows you to perform a walk operation on the specified application using the given expression or additional arguments. The walk operation enables you to traverse the application's structure or perform specific actions.

Optionally, you can enable verbose output or verbose output for exceptions during the walk process.

Supported expressions: [+-]?\d+ | + | -

Expand Example
mongorunway walk test +1
mongorunway walk test -1
mongorunway walk test +
mongorunway walk test -
Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application for the walk command.
EXPRESSION Expression or additional argument for the walk command.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the walk command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway walk test -
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway MongoDB context successfully initialized with MongoDB session id (766a81ff90574c23ab950d13bd1a3cb5)
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: downgrading waiting migration (#1 -> #None)...
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.session - INFO - Mongorunway transaction context successfully initialized with Mongorunway session id (cfa37d128911401198fddab4741ea8a7)
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - Beginning a transaction in MongoDB session (766a81ff90574c23ab950d13bd1a3cb5) for (downgrade) process.
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.transactions - INFO - DropCollection command successfully applied (1 of 1).
2023-06-10 23:32:57 - mongorunway.ui - INFO - test: successfully downgraded to (#None).

Verbose mode enabled.
10003 Successfully downgraded 1 migration(s).
Downgraded 1 migration(s) in 0.0050008296966552734s.

#5 Verifying migration results¤

To retrieve the current state, there are commands such as auditlog, status, and version.

> auditlog¤

This command allows you to view the audit log entries for the specified application. You can filter the entries by specifying a start and/or end timestamp or date. The maximum number of entries displayed can be limited, and you can choose to sort the entries in ascending order by date.

Optionally, you can enable verbose output for exceptions that may occur during the audit log command.


To enable the audit log functionality, I added the following parameters to the configuration file:

  # ...
    # ...
      collection: auditlog
    use_auditlog: true

Start, End

You should specify the --start and --end options in the format specified in the application configuration by the application.app_date_fmt parameter.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application for which to display the audit log entries.
Option Is Flag Description
-s, --start False Start timestamp or date for filtering audit log entries.
-e, --end False End timestamp or date for filtering audit log entries.
-l, --limit False Maximum number of audit log entries to display.
-a, --ascending True Sort the audit log entries in ascending order by date.
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the audit log command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway auditlog test                 
2023-06-11 00:21:55 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
Date Is Failed Transaction Type Migration
2023-06-10 21:21:06 False UpgradeTransaction Name: 001_create_abc_collection
Version: 1
Is applied: False

> status¤

This command allows you to view the migration status of the specified application. It shows the history of applied migrations up to the specified depth.

Optionally, you can enable verbose output for the status command and verbose output for exceptions that may occur during the status check.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application for which to display the migration status.
Option Is Flag Description
-d, --depth False Specify the depth of the migration history to display.
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the status command.
Expand example output
  • Case 1

    > mongorunway status test 
    2023-06-11 00:25:04 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
    All migrations applied successfully in depth -1 (1 of 1)

  • Case 2

    > mongorunway status test -d 2
    2023-06-11 00:25:42 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.
    ValueError : Depth (2) cannot be more than migration files count (1).

> version¤

This command allows you to view the version information of the specified application. It shows details such as the application's name, version number, and other relevant details.

Optionally, you can enable verbose output for the version command to get more detailed information.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application for which to display the version information.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the version command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway version test
2023-06-11 00:15:53 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.

Current applied version is 1 (1 of 1)

#6 Removing migrations safely¤

There are two commands available for safe removal of migrations: safe-remove and safe-remove-all .

Why are they safe?

These methods are safe in a way that they allow you to control the process of removing migrations sequentially. For example, if you are on schema version 4, you will not be able to remove the schema with version 3.

These methods also allow you to remove migration data both from your repository and from the migrations directory.

> safe-remove¤

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to remove migration from.
MIGRATION_VERSION Migration version to remove.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the safe-remove command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway safe-remove test 3
2023-06-12 14:31:32 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.

Migration with version 3 has been successfully deleted.

> safe-remove-all¤


This command deletes all files in the directory that do NOT start with an underscore (_) and have the extension .py.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to remove migrations from.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the safe-remove-all command.
Expand example output
> mongorunway safe-remove-all test
2023-06-12 14:32:19 - mongorunway.ux - INFO - Mongorunway loggers successfully configured.

Successfully deleted 2 migration(s).

#7 Checking files integrity and fixing any inconsistencies¤

> refresh-checksums¤

If your application is subscribed to a handler that compares checksums of files from the repository with the current state of the migration file, and it detects any inconsistencies, you can recalculate the checksums of modified files using the refresh-checksums command.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to refresh checksums for.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the refresh-checksums command.

> check-files¤

If you want to monitor changes in your files, you can use the check-files command, which compares the checksums of files and displays information in the terminal in case of any inconsistencies.

This command also supports raising an error, which can be useful for CI (Continuous Integration) purposes.

Argument Description
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application to refresh checksums for.
Option Is Flag Description
--verbose-exc True Enable verbose output for exceptions during the check-files command.
--raise-exc True Throws an exception if a mismatch is found.