class MigrationAuditlogEntry:
session_id: bson.Binary
transaction_name: str
migration_read_model: domain_migration.MigrationReadModel
date_fmt: str
date: datetime.datetime = dataclasses.field(default_factory=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
exc_name: typing.Optional[str] = None
exc_message: typing.Optional[str] = None
def from_dict(
cls, mapping: typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any], /
) -> MigrationAuditlogEntry:
mapping.pop("_id", None) # For mongo records
return cls(**mapping)
def is_failed(self) -> bool:
return self.exc_name is not None or self.exc_message is not None
def with_error(self: _SelfT, exc: BaseException, /) -> _SelfT:
self.exc_name = type(exc).__name__
self.exc_message = str(exc)
return self
def with_timezone(self: _SelfT, timezone: str) -> _SelfT:
if timezone != "UTC":
# Default time is utc
self.date = self.date.astimezone(zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(timezone))
except zoneinfo.ZoneInfoNotFoundError as exc:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"'tzdata' module must be installed to use timezones in auditlog journals."
) from exc
return self
def format_date(self) -> str:
return self.date.strftime(self.date_fmt)